Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's offical, the Tip the Van tour blog is up and running. I have tested and retested the system and it looks like it will be easy to update while on the road via my iPhone. The idea is to keep friends, family and fans up to date while we are traveling across the country. I plan on taking pictures of all all the venues when we get there as well as pictures of crowds, fans, Reel Big Fish, Streetlight Manifesto, after parties and whatever craziness we end up getting into. All the pictures that I post will be available at a larger size simply by clicking on them (when I post from the road). I plan on posting multiple times during each day of the tour, so make sure to check back frequently. You can also comment on anything I post, so if you want to see more pictures of, say, a particular venue, just leave a comment about it.

This blog will start off slow, given it is the holiday season and there are still a lot of loose ends to tie up before we get on the road, but come early January, things should be in full swing.

Dunnigan TTV


  1. Good luck Dunnigan, haven't talked to you in a while but I always knew you guys would make it one day. You're gonna be huge kid. -Steve Mlenak

  2. Is there any room for you to sit in the van? Drive safely, I love you all...Mama Bev

  3. I can't wait to see you guys when you come to Norfolk!!!!

    Do you guys know Michael/Nancy Scalora?
    I'm their younger sister (one of them). :]]]

  4. This blog is so cool. KISS EVERYONE IN TTV for us! Love, Tip the Mom & Tip the Dad.
